Vlieseline T40 Perfect Hem - Black - 3mtrs
Vlieseline (previously known as Vilene) Perfect Hem produces soft, invisible hems on blouses, dresses, skirts, jackets and coats, i.e. hems no longer need to be stitched. Suitable for all fabrics - including stretchy ones!
This pack includes 3mtrs in black x 40mm deep.
Reduced as the plastic outer packaging is badly scuffed, product inside undamaged.
1. Finish the hem edge, iron in a hem (at least 4 cm), open the hem back up and insert Perfect Hem. The thin side should be facing up, the visible blind stitch facing the hem and the invisible side facing outwards.
2. With a damp cloth, iron on for around 10 seconds, section by section. You can remove a potential hem imprint by ironing underneath the upper hem edge with the tip of the iron.